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Marketing Tips & Strategies

5 Ways To Think About Content Marketing That Converts

You’ve probably heard that content marketing is a great tool for converting leads to sales, but you might be wondering...

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5 Steps To A Great Customer Experience

You might have heard customer experience and customer service used interchangeably, but they are distinctly different...

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Does The Placebo Effect Work In Marketing?

Everyone prefers to think of themselves as a savvy shopper, that most of the time they are getting the better end of...

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6 Marketing Predictions For 2023

If your marketing strategy has been gathering dust on a shelf, it’s time to brush it off and do a little updating. A...

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Why It's Good To Go Back To The Basics

Day after day, you are plugging away at your business and with marketing. You create your monthly newsletters, you post...

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Like A Spy: New Technology To Target Smarter

You’ve heard that there are accusations from President Donald Trump and his allies about fraudulent voting, that the...

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The Psychology of Coupon Marketing Still Relevant Today

This whitepaper written in 2009 regarding the consumer psychology behind coupon redemption has stood the test of time,...

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Does A Subscription Strategy Fit Your Company?

Subscriptions are booming, with 70% of business leaders saying they will be key for revenue growth in the future. From...

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A Primer On Amazon Prime Day

When a retailer is big enough to create its own holiday, it has a ripple effect.

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