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Marketing Tips & Strategies

If You Give A Website A Cookie

If you have kids of a certain age, you’ve likely encountered the book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, where you learn...

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What You Need to Know About Apple’s iOS Privacy Updates

For months, Apple and Facebook have been publicly arguing over the value of privacy versus the importance of data...

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How COVID-19 Poked Holes in AI Technology

While people began using the phrase “the new normal” early on in the pandemic, those early months presented a struggle...

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6 Parts Of A Solid Marketing Strategy

It’s easy to be tricked into thinking that marketing is only a creative, artistic endeavor. Conversations around design...

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6 Steps to Election-Proof Your Sales in 2020

Marketing during an election can be a turbulent endeavor, forcing you to find new ways to be heard between all the...

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Four Reasons Quality Data Is Central to Effective Marketing

You’ve heard that companies are mining data to create better and more cost-effective marketing strategies, but you may...

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How To Get The Most From Your Marketing Team

Your marketing team: they’re dynamic, they’re creative, and if left to their own devices, they might spend an entire...

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Multichannel Versus Omnichannel Marketing

You may have heard multichannel and omnichannel marketing used interchangeably, and you may have even used the terms...

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3 Ways to a More Strategic Data Approach

Four out of five marketers responding to a BlueVenn survey said that they didn’t have the skills to handle data...

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