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Marketing Tips & Strategies

Mike Paine

Mike Paine
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Recent Posts

Which Marketing Channels Are Most Powerful In 2022?

You’re producing valuable content that offers insights and how-to’s to your audiences, but just as important is your...

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How Holiday Shopping Changed In 2021

Holiday sales are always a way to gauge how the economy is faring. When sales fall far below projections, we hurry to...

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5 Trends Shaping Marketing In 2022

In the business world, you are accustomed to pivoting, adjusting, and discerning which trends are passing fads and...

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When “Good” Marketing Fails

You’re investing in digital marketing, engaging with your target market via emails and even recording a few videos....

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Overcome The Fog Of Marketing Math: Calculating Your ROI

Anyone who has ever stood before a group, trying to defend a budget item, knows how important return on investment...

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Why Marcus Asked Us To Be On The Profit

I remember the day like it was yesterday. Shawn Burst (CEO of DirectMail.io) called me to tell me that Marcus just...

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Marketing Tips I Learned At Halloween

Living and breathing the marketing world every day allows me to see everything in a different light, including...

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The Birth Of Modern Marketing

You might feel so flooded with marketing messages that it seems almost impossible to imagine a world before marketing...

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What Your Business Gained During The Facebook And Instagram Outage

When Facebook and Instagram inexplicably stopped working across the globe on Monday, October 4, casual users were...

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