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Marketing Tips & Strategies

Mike Paine

Mike Paine
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4 Valuable Lessons From Shark Tank

Do you love watching Shark Tank? The innovative ideas entrepreneurs present and the sharks drilling presenters with...

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Can You Quantify The Value Of Marketing?

For every investment made at your company, there’s an expected return. But when it comes to some expenses, like ...

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Should Your Small Business Use TikTok?

TikTok may not be the first social media site you consider when trying to decide where to spend your marketing budget....

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How OTT And CTV Are Shaping Marketing

Like smartphones and social media, text messaging and FaceTime it’s hard to remember a world that didn’t include...

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Does A Subscription Strategy Fit Your Company?

Subscriptions are booming, with 70% of business leaders saying they will be key for revenue growth in the future. From...

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8 Ways To Keep Your Emails From Ending Up In The Trash

Email is one of the best ways to connect with your audience. It’s easy to personalize, there are no character limits...

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What Is Geotargeting And Can You Use It?

You may have heard of geotargeting. It’s a hot topic, most recently connected with deciphering how fraudulent voting...

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A Primer On Amazon Prime Day

When a retailer is big enough to create its own holiday, it has a ripple effect.

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Can Branding Make Pizza Taste Different?

Recently, a woman with a “shop local” mindset ordered a pizza from what she believed was a Philadelphia-based shop....

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