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Marketing Tips & Strategies

Mike Paine

Mike Paine
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Recent Posts

5 Reasons You Need Landing Pages

Enticing visitors to your website isn’t enough.

You need your website to work hard for you, greeting visitors with the...

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Social Media: Get the Most Power From Your Post

You know you need to invest in social media marketing, but how do you decide which platform, which format, and what...

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How Much Should You Spend On Marketing?

When it comes to budgeting, marketing may top the list for the most difficult. How much should you spend? If you’re a...

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The One Thing Your Marketing Strategy Is Missing

Your presentation for the C-suite goes something like this: “Our leads are really up, and so are visitors to our...

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Mardi Gras | The ultimate creative marketing hub...

Mardi Gras seen through the eyes of a marketing guy...

Part of why I think DirectMail.io is such a powerful agency is...

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Marketing Technology in 2020: New Trends and Potential Pitfalls

Is your marketing company staying up with the latest trends?

The last decade has upended how marketing gets done.


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SMS: A Text Voters Can't Resist

Short message service (SMS) burst onto the political scene in 2012, equipping Barack Obama’s campaign so handily that...

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5 Top Benefits of Marketing Automation

Marketing automation. It sounds like something fancy for big companies, but it’s really a valuable tool for companies...

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Marketing to a New Generation of Consumers

Marketing to the next generation of consumers

One of the marketing world’s greatest challenges is staying current with...

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