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Cerenna Timphony
by Cerenna Timphony
April 19, 2021

“What you seek is seeking you.”
- Rumi


Remember your "why"

If life were easy everyone would be "living it." Living their best life. Not letting doubt, shame, fear, and others' opinions paralyze them. Keep them from following their "yellow brick road." Dorothy, Toto, Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion had one thing in common: "Overcoming Fear." They each had a desire and a goal to reach Emerald City to see the Wizard for their own personal reasons. Dorothy desired to get back home. Scarecrow desired to have a brain. Tin Man desired a heart and Lion desired to have courage. 

On their "yellow brick road" they met many challenges: hit detours, had self-doubts, had disappointments, and came across naysayers that shook them off their path. But through the journey, they themselves and or one of the team members reminded themselves of their ‘Why’ and got back on the path. At the end of their journey, their greatest disappointment revealed to each of them that they had all the tools and what they desired already inside of them.

Has a challenge taken you on a detour? Made you lose your way? Caused self-doubt, fear, and unbelief? In 2 Kings 6:16-17, there is a story of Elisha’s servant who had fear in his heart because they were surrounded by the enemy. Elisha told him not to fear. Elisha prayed to God that he would open his servant’s eyes so that he would see that there was more on their side than against them.

This week do self-reflection. Look at each goal on your vision board or calendar and read your ‘Why’ out loud. Meditate and Pray for clarity. Who is on the journey with you? Reconnect with them and stay accountable. Everything you need is inside of you and in your presence. Carpe Diem! 


“It’s not what you achieve, it’s what you overcome. That’s what defines your career”
- Carlton Fisk


Cerenna Timphony
by Cerenna Timphony
April 19, 2021