A lot of marketing takes time: coming up with creative strategies, developing content, and digging deep to understand those audiences. And that time is well-spent.
Then there are the routine tasks that are just as important but tend to crowd out time for other things. When it comes to your email marketing campaign, there is an easy way to keep all the creativity and fun, while eliminating the mundane. It’s email automation workflows, and there are seven reasons why you should implement them into your strategy:
Once you have it all set up, your email automation workflow is completely automated. You don’t need to mark it on your calendar, check it off a to-do list, or remember to press send. It’s all set for you.
Determining when a lead is hot is one of the big challenges for your sales team, but a smart email automation workflow can alert the right sales associate or manager when a particular behavior occurs. For instance, if you have determined that clicking on a particular white paper link is associated with an increased likelihood of conversion, you would want to know when a lead clicked on that link.
Email automation workflows allow you to put your time where it counts. Rather than focusing on the manual processes, you are putting a lot of thought into the goal of each email and who will receive it, as well as the timing of that email.
Whether it’s misspelling the name of your lead or sending content that’s completely wrong for where they are in the purchase cycle, an error can ruin your chances of a conversion. Email automation workflows help lower those risks.
From relieving your sales team from making endless cold calls to taking manual email tasks off your marketing team’s plate, there are plenty of ways to save resources by choosing automation.
By tailoring your email content to be customized both for the recipient and where they are in their buying journey, you can increase the likelihood of a conversion. In addition, email automation workflows provide insights into which types of subjects are most effective, what your best-performing promotional email was, or how including an image or video affected click-throughs. You’ll be able to refine your strategy to increase revenue.
Through a well-designed email strategy, you can deliver personalized promotions, offer highly-specialized content, or say thank you—all activities designed to improve customer experiences and satisfaction.
DirectMail.io’s fully automated marketing solution delivers time-saving and cost-saving benefits to companies just like yours. Contact us today for more information.